Owen an eleven year old, freckle face boy embarks on a adventure to rescue his twin sister Grace and his grandma Todd, from the Three Lunch ladies. Who live in The Forgotten Lunch Food Forest! Where all discarded, unwanted foods, toys, lunch pales go!
The story is told of how everyday three joyful ladies would arrive early everyday at school to make the lunch food. The food was always delicious and the children loved coming for lunch. This all changed on one fateful day, when three different children, one had a fly in her soup, another a boy had a cockroach in his cookie and the last a little girl who screamed the loudest "Aaah mouse in my sandwich."
All the blame was put on the loving lunch ladies, though innocent of any misdeeds, for it wasn't there fault; but for a selfish and mad little girl who didn't get a cookie before lunch. "No, it'll spoil your appetite." Said one of the Lunch Ladies. No one told Emily Todd No!
From the time on the food started tasting more biter, and more taste less. Even the sack lunches where effected, sandwiches where soggy, fruits and desserts smashed.
Soon the School had no choice but to can the three lunch ladies. Before leaving it is said they left a curse on all the lunch food everywhere. "May your foods be tasteless, your fruits unripened, your sandwiches dry and soggy, and your precious cookies be stale and crumbled."